Tuesday 13 February 2007

Dad's Home!

Dad got discharged from hospital today so I took mum over to the hospital to collect him. He had to have a scan on his leg yesterday but thankfully it came back clear of a blood clot, which they were worried was causing the pain and swelling in his leg.

I have to say a great big thank you to some very special people, Mel and Gareth, for all their help with the kids - they've picked them up and looked after them from school for us and had them this afternoon so that mum could come to the hospital with me to get dad. Mind you it did cost me a wheat free chocolate cake that I made for Gareth!! Must admit - my wheat free cakes don't normally rise but this one did! Had 200g of milk chocolate on the top too. Yummy!

1 comment:

Di said...

Glad to hear your dads home hun!

That cake looks scrummylicious, (every blog I've popped into tonight has scrummy choc cakes on them....yum yum yum)!


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